Looking for a pet-friendly apartment in Sioux City, IA?
The Ridge has accommodative housing for your furry, four-legged roommates. With your help, we want to create a pet-responsible environment that is welcoming to everyone.
Domesticated cats & dogs are accepted. Owners must provide the landlord with proper identification, licenses and vaccinations. Vaccination records must be given to your landlord yearly. Cats MUST be spayed/neutered and declawed. All pets must wear identification tags that indicate the pet's name, owner's name, owner's address & telephone number.
2 Pet Maximum Per Home.
The size of the animal cannot exceed 60 pounds.
Tenants agree that they are solely responsible for the maintenance of their pet, and agree to keep their pet under control at all times.
Tenants agree to adhere to local ordinances, including leash and licensing requirements.